My style's like a chemical spill

Category: The Bible (Page 19 of 22)

Mind Your Own Business

When he saw Jesus a long way off, he ran and bowed in worship before him—then bellowed in protest, “What business do you have, Jesus, Son of the High God, messing with me? I swear to God, don’t give me a hard time!” (Jesus had just commanded the tormenting evil spirit, “Out! Get out of the man!”)
-Mark 5:6-8 (MSG)

Here Jesus runs into a demon-possessed madman who was described as unrestrainable. Nothing or no one could keep him contained. He lived in the graveyards and went around screaming and cutting himself with rocks.

Sounds like a fun guy.

When he comes face to face with Jesus though, the demon, speaking through the man, rebelliously complains. What business do you have messing with me? Don’t give me a hard time! In other words: mind your own business.

I think it’s interesting that the demon replied to Jesus the same way that many people in the world today respond to him.

  • A Christian hears God telling them that enough is enough and to overcome their struggle with a particular sin… C’mon, God. Don’t give me a hard time!
  • An unbeliever feels Christ calling them to begin a new life with him… Why are you messing with me? Get out of my business!

I wonder how many times I might have essentially told God to stop interfering with things and let me do it my way. I never thought I might be siding with a demon on that one.

For the sake of the madman, thankfully Jesus didn’t listen to the demon. Thank you Jesus for not listening to me as well.

Flirting With Carcasses

God spoke to Moses and Aaron: “Speak to the People of Israel. Tell them, Of all the animals on Earth, these are the animals that you may eat:

“You may eat any animal that has a split hoof, divided in two, and that chews the cud, but not an animal that only chews the cud or only has a split hoof. For instance, the camel chews the cud but doesn’t have a split hoof, so it’s unclean. The rock badger chews the cud but doesn’t have a split hoof and so it’s unclean. The rabbit chews the cud but doesn’t have a split hoof so is unclean. The pig has a split hoof, divided in two, but doesn’t chew the cud and so is unclean. You may not eat their meat nor touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
-Leviticus 11:1-8 (MSG)

God begins his instructions to the Israelites with land animals that are OK to eat. He specifically goes through example by example naming some of the “unclean” animals… No camels, no rock badgers, no rabbits, no pigs. And to sum it up he simply says, “You may not eat their meat nor touch their carcasses.” And as he continues on in later verses referring to other types of animals he makes the same request.

As weird as they sound today, God did had reasons for the avoidance of eating certain animals: for the general health of the people; to separate them from other pagan religions; because of symbolic associations, etc. When you think about it, those do make sense. But why was he so concerned that they not even touch the body of a dead animal?

I think God was pointing out the severity of sin and the dangers that come with association. He was making it clear that not only do we need to not do the things he’s told us to, we need to go as far as to be totally separated from them. It’s as if he’s saying, “Don’t eat these meats… And to make sure that doesn’t happen, don’t even touch the carcasses.”

I wonder how often I have justified my flirtation with sinful things by thinking I was alright because I technically wasn’t committing the sin. The situation may be tempting but I haven’t done anything, so I’m OK, right? Not quite… The line of sin and temptation is very fine, and God recommends that we don’t even go near it.

When you think about it, God is comparing temptation to a stinky, rotten, bloated, maggot-filled, dead animal. To most the thought of even getting near a carcass sounds disgusting, let alone touching it. Flirting with sin and temptation should sound likewise.

Playing With Fire

That same day Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, took their censers, put hot coals and incense in them, and offered “strange” fire to God—something God had not commanded. Fire blazed out from God and consumed them—they died in God’s presence.
-Leviticus 10:1-2 (MSG)

Chapter 10 of Leviticus begins with an introduction of two of Aaron’s sons: Nadab and Abihu. With their father being the High Priest, they certainly were in a position of authority themselves. They made an offering of fire to God, but this was “strange” fire. One verse later, they are dead, consumed by fire from God.

Strange story, for lack of a better adjective.

So what exactly is “strange” fire? The general assumption is that the fire they brought was simply from another source. In other words, it was not from the alter as God had previously commanded and therefore the wrong kind of fire.

Were Nadab and Abihu deserving of instant, fiery death because of this decision? Ultimately, I’ll leave that up to God.

However, they were playing with fire. What I mean by that is both men weren’t taking their duty seriously — they thought just any type of fire would do, even though in the previous chapters of Leviticus God had precisely laid out how their worship was to be conducted. Nadab and Abihu were in a leadership position so they certainly knew what God wanted, and they still flagrantly chose to ignore God’s request and do otherwise. The special responsibility they had to God and his people (who they were an example for) apparently was taken for granted and treated with indifference.

Lord, thank you for the reminder of the responsibility I have as a leader — accountability to you and to those who I lead.

Shine Like A CFL

Jesus went on: “Does anyone bring a lamp home and put it under a washtub or beneath the bed? Don’t you put it up on a table or on the mantel? We’re not keeping secrets, we’re telling them; we’re not hiding things, we’re bringing them out into the open.
-Mark 4:21-22 (MSG)

I am slowly but surely switching all the lights in my house over the compact fluorescent lamps, aka CFLs. Besides just looking cool, the energy savings are enormous. And when you “grow up” and have to pay your own power bill, you start paying attention to those things.

I’m really enjoying having the new CFL bulbs because I like a well lit up room. Since they are more energy-efficient, I find myself letting those lamps and overhead lights do what they were meant to do — shine. It’s a nice change.

Here in Chapter 4 of Mark, Jesus is talking about lamps. He states the obvious — lamps aren’t meant to be hidden; they are meant to light everything up and help people see.

The “lamps” mentioned are a direct reference to Jesus’ followers. Just like I used to not want to turn my lamps on due to the consequences of a higher electricity bill, I wonder how many Christians are reluctant to be identified as such because of the consequences? As Christ-followers, we aren’t meant to stay hidden from sight or be embarrassed of our faith. Like a lamp, we were made to shine.

A lamp that is on and in the open naturally brightens everything around it — that’s just what a lamp does. Simply put, our lives should light up the lives of everyone around us. As Jesus is pointing out, that’s just what a Christian does.

Before I switched to CFLs, the lamps in my home weren’t doing their job. If my life is not helping people see Christ, I’m not worth much either. I must shine like a CFL.

I Am The Tabernacle

The Cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Glory of God filled The Dwelling. Moses couldn’t enter the Tent of Meeting because the Cloud was upon it, and the Glory of God filled The Dwelling.
-Exodus 40:34-35 (MSG)

For 7 consecutive chapters in Exodus, all we get are instructions of how to build the Tabernacle (or The Dwelling, as The Message refers to it) and it’s furnishings. Then, Aaron and the Israelites momentarily slip into idolatry. And to finish things up, we have 6 more chapters of the people following the instructions for the Tabernacle that Moses was given via God.

As as I read through the Tabernacle instructions, all I could think about was the endless list of specific measurements and requirements, down the the tiniest detail. It’s basically been day after day after day of nothing but gold, acacia wood, onyx stones, goats’ hair and dolphin skins.

Honestly, it seemed like God was really picky.

However, to end Exodus, Moses says that once completed, the glory of God filled the Tabernacle. He even goes as far to say that the glory of God was so powerful and so overwhelming that he couldn’t even enter the building. What a presence he must have felt.

Later on in the Bible, Solomon builds a Temple for God and we are told that it also was filled with God’s glory. Then, even farther along, Jesus rises from the dead and we are told that God’s tabernacle/temple, his dwelling on earth, the place he fills with his glory, has changed again. From now on the church is God’s tabernacle/temple. Not the physical church building per se, but rather the entire body of believers.

I can imagine God laying out the instructions for his “tabernacle/temple” now… This eye color, this height, this weight, this many hairs on their head, this future, this promise, this hope. If he cared so much about the minute details of his dwelling place then, why would we even question whether or not he cares about any of our concerns now? Does God not love us more than buildings? Of course he does, and maybe that’s the point.

God, thank you for caring for my smallest, most trivial details. Thank you for filling me with your glory. Thank you for the poignant reminder that I am the Tabernacle.

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