My style's like a chemical spill

Month: February 2010

Submit To Authority

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
-Ephesians 5:21 (NIV)

No one likes to be told to submit. To many, the mere mentioning of the word instantly conjures up negative associations such as surrender, inferiority or conformity. Yet the Bible is full of instructions to submit.

Matter of fact, in the book of Ephesians, Paul illustrates the idea of submission carried out in various relationships: wives/husbands, children/parents and slaves/masters. These verses have been controversial for years, and can be severely misunderstood when taken out of context. Once again, no one likes to be told to submit.

However, it’s important to note that Paul began the topic of submission with a single, encompassing statement in Chapter 5, Verse 21: Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Paul isn’t telling us to become a doormat. First and foremost, he’s telling everyone, not just certain groups of people, to humble themselves and serve God and others. Why? Because Jesus did it first. He gave up his will to the Father, so he could serve us.

When we live with an attitude of submission, it’s an act of adoration for Christ’s example. It opens us up to setting our rights aside for others. It’s selfless, noble and sacrificial.

Submission never sounded so good.

Search On

Probably one of the lowest-budgeted commercials of Super Bowl XLIV, but clearly the best of the night.

Simple and poignant. Bravo, Google.

Search on.

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