My style's like a chemical spill

Month: January 2010

Master Your Craft

Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand in the presence of kings.
-Proverbs 22:29 (HCSB)

When it comes to the success/career department, we love to make excuses, don’t we? We often try to justify ourselves by piling on the “reasons” we are where we are. I’m no exception, unfortunately.

A common one seems to be, “If I only had this, I could do that.” And what happens when we actually get “this”? Do you gain instant credibility? Do you skyrocket up the corporate totem pole? No, it usually just exposes us to news areas where we feel insecure. The bar is reset, the excuses start rolling again, and the cycle continues.

Simply put, excellence breeds success, not excuses.

I know that idea sounds more like something used to pump up a basketball team, but it really is the essence of this proverb. Solomon’s point: You want to be a success? You want to be proud of what you do? You want to stand in the presence of the best? Then do your job. Do it well, do it right, and do it now.

If you’re a teacher, teach with passion. If you’re a banker, deal with integrity. If you’re a carpenter, work with precision. If you’re a dairy farmer, pump that milk with the best of ’em. If you’re a janitor, mop those floors like nobody’s business.

Whatever you do, master your craft.

Give To Gain

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
-Proverbs 11:24 (ESV)

Here Solomon provides us with an unusual paradox: If you want to become richer, give.

This seems odd at first glance and is certainly contrary to the “more, more, more” attitude of the world today. We are taught that life is all about making the big bucks. Make as much as you can so that you can own as much as you can. We’re even told that you’ve got to have money to make money. So why in the world would Solomon offer this seemingly backward and financially-hurtful advice?

Simply put, God wants to bless us, and he is especially generous to those who are generous first. And we’re not just talking about money here — it can be things like your time and energy as well.

Want to know the secret to becoming rich? Give. Because the more we give, the more God gives back as well, allowing us to give more again and the cycle to continue.

It may not make mathematical sense, but you’ve got to give to gain.

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